THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ’ S Daley w ins in landslide Ends brief era of black rule in Windy City


  • Fidel Castro

HAVANASoviet P residen t M ikhail G orbachev told the Cuban leg isla ture Tuesday th a t Soviet-style reform s w ere not a un iversal rem edy for all com ­ m unist countries. In a 53-minute speech before the Cuban National Assem bly, G orbachev also proposed th a t a “ zone of p eace” be es tab ­ lished in Latin A m erica and the C aribbean and renounced any Soviet intention of establish ing naval, a ir or m issile bases in the region. G orbachev also reaffirm ed tha t the Soviet Union will con­ tinue supplying w eaponry to N ica rag u a ’s leftist govern­ m ent as long as the United S tates continues to a rm other C entral A m erican countries. The issue rem ain s a m ajo r sore point in re la tions betw een W ashington and Moscow. In his speech, the Soviet leader spent considerab le tim e justify ing the need for the refo rm s he has in troduced in his own country. “ Today only those can count on success who a re m arch ing in step with the tim es, who a re draw ing the n ecessary conclu­ sions from the changes re su lt­ ing from the fac t th a t the world

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THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ’ S Students congregate for peace in campus protest

Over f i f ty students congre ­ gated on F ieldhouse M all on Friday, taking time out of their schedules to reflect on the pos­ s ib il ity o f w a r in the M idd le East. Seven speakers, inc lud ing a faculty member, local activists and students from Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s provided sev­ era l d iffe ren t perspectives on the Middle East issue, w ith the unified message: prevention of war ...

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The victims went to their respective residence halls after the incidents and called security. Johnson said the suspects were last seen riding on their bicycles south near the Library. Suspect one is described as a black male, 15 to 20 years old, muscular build, short hair, and wearing a white button down shirt and blue jeans. Suspect two is described as a black male, possibly 17 to 20 years old...

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A loss was dealt to the Notre Dame com­ m u n ity on M arch 9 when the man who helped to encourage c u ltu re d iv e rs ity in the U n ive rs ity ’s c u r­ r ic u lu m as w e ll as N o tre D am e ’s f ir s t spec ia lis t in A frica n A m erican lite ra tu re died. Erskine Peters, 49, was a professor of English and member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1987. He died o f pneumo­ nia in his home...

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THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S Youth convicted of battery of Notre Dame students

The youth, who cannot be identified due to his juvenile status, was found guilty followlng a trial held on September 12 in Indiana Juvenile Court. The attack occurred in the early morning of Saturday, March 2 near the intersection of Elwood and Portage streets in South Bend. The five Notre Dame and four Sain~ Mary's students had engaged in an verbal exchange with five young men riding In a pass...

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The Observer WEDNESDAY , MARCH 17 . 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S Saint Mary ’ s elections to be held tomorrow

Saint Mary’s College students w ill select class officers from a variety of tickets tomorrow. The Class o f 1994 w ill have four tickets to choose from this T hu rsda y in c lu d in g c u rre n t ju n io r class p re s id e n t, Beth Petrovic. A ll candidates w ant to sup­ p o rt the Saint M ary ’s sesquicentennial com m ittee’s events surrounding the Class of 1994. P e trov ic , i f e lected ,...

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